Monday, May 4, 2009

A Trip to The Animal Shelter

I was so happy when I discovered that Sekar loves animals. She has a dream that she will become an animal caretaker one day. But her dream always differs every day. Today she wants to become a penguin's caretaker while the other day she wanted to become a dog's caretaker. It is so funny but I am really proud of her.

Since she met Clifford, she love dogs more than other animals, and she asked me to have a dog. I can't allow it because we won't live here in the USA for a long time. One day we will have to go back to Indonesia. But Sekar never gives up. She talks about dogs everyday and even started acting like a dog. She crawls, barks, and whines like a dog at home and at her school too. It makes me sad, because I can't allow it. I asked Kim to take us to the animal shelter in Aspen after she returned from Peru. We had to wait for two weeks. Two weeks for Sekar is a long time to wait. She asked me " Today is already 2 weeks, Mama?" "Is Miss Kim coming today?" Oh my little girl.............

The day to visit animal shelter came. Sekar and I went to the Intercapt lot to meet Kim and then we went to the animal shelter in the ABC building area, across from the Aspen Airport. Sekar couldn't wait to see dogs even though we saw some cute cats and birds. Finally they lent us a dog to walk with. She is an eight year old dog with yellow fur. Her name is Puma. Sekar really loved walking with Puma and Clifford. We walked around the shelter and saw some dogs who were training. They called it dog's school. Wow... that was a good experience for Sekar, and that was so fun for Sekar. I was so happy while I was watching Sekar enjoying herself. Kim gave Sekar a shirt and a book from the animal shelter. The book is a true story. It is about Fraser a rescue dog, the tiltle is "Fraser The Yellow Dog; Rescue on Snowmass Mountain."

After we visited the animal shelter, we had lunch in the Woody Creek Tavern; an unique restaurant in Woody Creek. Sekar loved her dino chiken nugget and fries. Kim and I ate vegetarian meals. It was delicious. Also Kim gave me and Sekar gifts from her vacation to Peru. She showed us her pictures from when she visited Peru. It was great trip and we saw beautiful pictures of Peru.

Sekar really loves her book. Last week she brought it to her school for show and tell. That day was our treat day from you Kim. Thank you very much.


  1. Great to know that. Thank you for stop by.

  2. good to know sekar is a dog lover... she can play with yoyo if you guys visit idaho :)

  3. wah, perlu dipelihara itu kecintaannya *jaman sekarang anak2 liat coro aja dah jejeritan je :p

  4. Iya nih Vy, anakku kalo sama binatang gitu, lihat ular aja malah dikejar. Aku yg agak repot antara takut dan tetep sok berani jelasin ke Sekar biar tetep memelihara kendelnya itu he..he... gini ini ya jadi ibu. Sekarang krn musim berkebun di sekolah anak2 malah pada main cacing. Nasib..nasib tinggal di gunung pelajarannya jadi petani gitu :))

  5. wah, senengnya Shin! You're lucky.... Jgn lupa posting foto2na ya

  6. Rayyan asked me to have a cat too.. I tell him No.. he said, the cat only wait outside.. " Oh my son...". Dia pikir melihara kucing seperti di Jakarta dibiarin liar begitu.. hehehehe

  7. he..he... bisa dilaporin ke pak pol kalo disini punya peliharaan ditelantarin gitu. Kena denda deh.... Di Thai gitu juga ya Her?

  8. Mbak, kalo balik ke Indo punya anjing dong....kayaknya puppy lucu jg deh

  9. he..he... lucu sih lucu, meliharanya itu lho yang refffooottt...
